
The CS INCLUDES program will provide scholarships for computer science majors at the University of Oklahoma to selected students. The program will help these Scholars achieve academic success in computer science so they can use their computational knowledge to build Tribal Nations.

The University of Oklahoma celebrates Indigenous scholars

Community of Scholars

Scholarships will be awarded to two groups. The groups will unite with University faculty to form a community that celebrates Indigenous culture and values while promoting academic achievement in computer science.

Faculty Mentorship

Each Scholar will be provided with two faculty mentors: one with an Indigenous identity and another from computer science. These mentors will help Scholars navigate being an Indigenous person in computer science at the University of Oklahoma.

Peer Mentorship

Each Scholar will be provided with Indigenous and/or engineering peer mentor(s) from the College of Engineering. Peer mentor advice will compliment faculty advice and give Scholars a more balanced perspective.

Dedicated Academic Advising

The Scholars will receive both individual and group academic advising. Group advising will allow Scholars to share their experiences and knowledge with each other and stay together in classes, when academically reasonable.

Academic Support

Scholars will be invited to a family friendly weekly study night, where food will be served.

Opportunities to Support Tribal Nation Building

We will work with Scholars individually to use their growing computer science knowledge to support Tribal Nations through internships, research, and service learning opportunities.
