Fall 2022 Scholars

Jacob Amberg

My name is Jacob Amberg and I am a citizen of the Cherokee Nation. I attended Tulsa Community College as a high school senior and graduated from Owasso High School this past May. I have always been interested in anything related to technology, but my interest in computer science didn’t start until my freshman year of high school. I will be majoring in Computer Science at OU and my goal is to work in Cybersecurity after graduation.

Hello! My name is Jaxzen Breedlove-Donlon and I am affiliated with the Cherokee nation. I am from Norman Oklahoma and I went to Norman High school. One of the main reasons that I am interested in computer science is my love and enjoyment of the topic after taking classes that dealt with coding in high school and being exposed to other portions of software growing up. 

Ava Feieraband

Hello! My name is Ava Feierabend and I am a member of the Cherokee Nation. I am from Norman and went to school at Norman North High School and Moore Norman Technology Center. Some things that I enjoy include programming and game development, and I will be studying computer science here at OU because of my love for the topic. I strive to be able to help my community with my programming skills, and I wish to create things that will leave an impact on the people around me.

Jesse Newby

Jesse Newby is a citizen of the Osage and Cherokee tribes. He graduated from Owasso High School this past May.  While attending High School he took a computer science course that he heavily enjoyed and motivated him to take a computer programming class the next year.  Computer classes in high school have led him into majoring in Computer Science when he starts college at the University of Oklahoma this fall.

Barrett Ray

I come from Sapulpa High School and represent the Muscogee-Creek Nation. I became acquainted with computer science at a young age and never stopped loving it. The freedom it offered me is something I will never forget. These days, my focus now remains on accessibility and inclusivity in the industry. Making open-source software and implementing cooperatively-owned businesses makes it much easier for most people to get involved with their favorite projects! In turn, indigenous people get a say in the new industry that controls our world. My goal is to work within these principles to make software inequality a thing of the past.

Shiloh Sells
Shiloh Sells

Hello everyone 🙂 My name is Shiloh Sells. I am a citizen of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. I recently graduated from Owasso High School. I have always had a passion for technology, engineering, and the medical field. I found the perfect combination of this in computer science. I am interested in artificial intelligence and how it can make healthcare more accessible to the world through preventive care. Computer Science will help me bridge the gap between medical and technological inequities in my community. The leading cause of death for Native Americans is heart disease. I hope to create an app or device that will improve that statistic. I can’t wait to continue my educational journey and represent my community at the University of Oklahoma. Boomer Sooner!

Jacob Tedder standing in front of an entrance to a school.
Jacob Tedder

Hello, my name is Jacob Tedder and I am a tribal member of the Choctaw Nation. I’m from a small town located in Southeastern Oklahoma called Antlers. This is where I attended and graduated from Antlers High School in May of 2022. My interest in Computer Science started early in High School when I was able to take a coding class my Freshman and Junior year. During these two classes, I fell in love with coding and that’s how I knew what to major in. The reason why I want to work for the Choctaw Nation is that they have a big impact on daily life here in Southeastern Oklahoma. They have helped improve roads, education, provided new jobs, and they are willing to help whoever and whenever they can. I would like to give back to the Choctaw Nation however I can and that’s by working for their IT department.

Keith Thompson

My name is Keith Thompson. I am a member of the Choctaw Nation. I am from Oklahoma City, and I graduated from Westmoore High School. I am majoring in Computer Science because I was introduced to programming through an engineering class my sophomore year of high school and I have been interested in the topic ever since.
