Fall 2023 Scholars

My name is Baylee Carter, I am a member of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. After graduating from Sapulpa High School and (Sapulpa) Central Technology Center for my Network and Security Administration certification, I had gone through with my decision to go to OU and do not regret it. As someone who fairly recently got into computers, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do until I saw the potential with I.T. in the future. I did a crash course my last two years of high school to catch up with my peers and found that pursuing a computer science degree would be a natural progression to continue my new interest! My tribe has kindly supported my education throughout this process and my ultimate goal is to find where I can use the skills that I learned in order to support and improve my community.

Hello, my name is Diyiin Joe. I am a part of the Navajo Nation. I’m from Arizona but moved here. I graduated from Westmoore High School with high honors. The main reason I became so interested in Computer Science as a major was the possibilities of what can be made like it’s some advanced lego set. That said, my interest started in an engineering course I was enrolled in where I learned various skills and career choices to pursue. This course piqued my interest as it allowed me to code or assemble machines to carry out a set of instructions that led to a satisfying finish. The type of career I would like to be in is a Cyber Security Specialist or an Information Technician

Hello! My name is Drew Skelton and I’m a member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. I’m from Piedmont, Oklahoma graduating from Piedmont High School. I’m interested in computer science because I enjoy constantly getting new things to figure out and finding patterns. As there’s always a huge amount of new things coming out of Computer Science, I want to be at the forefront influencing things in an ethical direction and educating the public on new technologies.

My name is Ethan Gulley, and I am from Mooreland, OK. I proudly identify as a member of the Choctaw tribe. My academic journey led me to the captivating world of computer science, a passion I have cherished since I built my first computer at six. I chose to study computer science because of my love for technology. Studying computer science will help me build a strong foundation for my career. My biggest dream is to utilize computer science to innovate and create software that supports mental health, meaningfully impacting the well-being of many individuals and communities.

Hey everyone! My name is Garrett Haynes, and I am a member of the Choctaw nation of Oklahoma.  I graduated from Stillwater Area High School in Minnesota, and I became interested in Computer Science after taking AP CS-1.  I enjoy programming as well as 3D modeling, and I would like to pursue a career in Cybersecurity.

Hello! My name is Rachelle Sanchez. I am affiliated with Cheyenne Arapaho. I am majoring in Computer Science and wanting to go into Software Development for my future career. As a computer science major, I’m dedicated to bridging gaps in underserved communities through innovative solutions. My goal is to create educational programs and resources that empower future generations. I believe in leveraging my unique experiences and skills to make a positive impact and create a better world for underserved communities.

Hi, I am Rylan Bruehl, I am affiliated with the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. I am from Norman Oklahoma, and I went to Norman High School. I chose computer science because I have always been interested in computers and how they work. When I was little I loved messing around with phones, iPads, and other forms of technology, and naturally, when I messed something up I had to try to get it working again. This made me my family’s tech guy as I grew up because most of the time I could fix their problems so computer science is a great next step because I get to continue to learn more about computers and how they work on another level.

My name is Tenley Morgan. I represent the Cherokee nation and am from Oaks, Oklahoma. My interest in computer science started in middle school when my aunt began teaching me about programming and robotics. I started the robotics club in middle school and continued programming and learning more about software development in high school. I’m a CS major at OU and plan to become a software developer after graduation.
